

Basic Information

Name:Isaac Song-Jeng Huang

Department:Mechanical Engineering



Composites Lab: 

E1-142 ((02)2733-3141 ext.7255)

E1-411 Tel.: (02)2733-3141 ext.7261 

Solid Mechanics Lab: E1-250 ((02)2733-3141 ext.7313)




1. Doctor of Philosophy in Dynamics and Strength of Machine, Instrument and Apparatus (8/1997-3/2000) MATI-Russian State University of Technology, Moscow, Russia. Dissertation title: The Effect of Adhesive Layer of Sandwich   Structure on Its Strength

2. Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering (9/1995 - 6/1997) Moscow State Aviation Technology University (MATI), Moscow, Russia

3.  Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering (9/1988 - 6/1992) National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

4.  Cheng Kung Senior High School in Taipei, Taiwan (9/1985 - 6/1988)



World’s Top 2% Scientists indexed by Stanford University, in the “2023 Annual Scientific Impact Ranking” 

Vebleo Fellow, honored on 05 May 2022 (國際Vebleo協會會士)

2022-2024 Research Award of NTUST (台科大研究優良獎)

# 2011-2017, 2019-2020 Research Award of NTUST Mechanical Engineering Department (台科大機械系研究績優獎)

# 2011, 2015-2017, 2019-2020 Teaching Award of NTUST Mechanical Engineering Department (台科大機械系教學績優獎)

Foreign Member (academician, Dip. no. FM010) of Engineering Academy of Armenia, honored on 04 May 2018 (亞美尼亞工程院外籍院士)

# Merit for the Best Oral Student Presentation (my Ph.D. student Matoke Peter Mose awarded) of 2020 The 15th National Conference on Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell, The 6th Taiwan Energy Association Annual Meeting-HEFC2020 (01-02 Dec. 2020, Kaohsiung, Taiwan)

# 1st prize of paper award (my PhD student Chien-Cheng Lin awarded) of IEEE ICASI 2017 (May 13-17, 2017, Sapporo, Japan)

# Champion winner (my master student Tun-Yu Chou) of student presentation competition of 2016 National Conference on Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell

# Best Paper Award of 2016 International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Seoul, South Korea 2016.05.12-14

# Excellent Poster Paper Award of the 39nd National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taiwan Tech, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.

# Best Paper Award in Composites of Colloquium of Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering CMME 2014 & 20th Anniversary of Acta Metallurgica Slovaca 2014.07.06-10

# 中華民國國科會103年度第52屆科學與技術人員國外短期研究補助 ( 9/2013-7/2014 )

# 台灣鎂合金協會100年度會員大會暨論文發表論文獎:特優獎

# 中華民國生物醫學工程學會100年度年會“生物醫學工程科技研討會”論文競賽: 優等獎

# 台灣醫事檢驗學會100年度年會: 優秀壁報論文獎

# 國立中正大學100年資深優良教師 (2011.10)

# 中華民國國科會95學年第44屆科學與技術人員國外短期研究補助 ( 9/2006-1/2007 )

# Marquis Whos Who in the World 2005-2009, 22nd -26th Ed.

# Marquis Whos Who in Science and Engineering, 2006-2008, 9th-10th Ed.

# Marquis Whos Who of Emerging Leaders 2007, 1st Ed.

# Marquis Whos Who in Asia 2007, 2011, 1st- 2nd Ed.

# 俄羅斯優良國際青年科學研究家獎狀 ( 1999 )

# 俄羅斯優良國際青年科學研究家獎狀 ( 1998 )

# 中華民國政府公費留學獎學金 ( 1995 - 1999 )

# 中華民國傑出飛機維護士官 ( 1994 )

Research Field:

Research interest : Nanomaterials, Composite Materials, Mg Alloy, Hydrogen Storage Materials, Energy Materials, Microbial Fuel Cell, BioNano-Medical Technology

Research Topics: 

Micro- and Nano-Metal Matrix Composites, Inorganic Nanotube,    Mg Metal matrix Composites, H2 Storage Materials, Energy Materials, Metallic Electrolyte for Microbial Fuel Cell, Stern Layer Measurement for Electro-chemical Double Layer, Nano Bio-Medical Computational Mechanics